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[정보] 디자이너가 알아야 할 3D 프린팅과 모델링

by 날고싶은커피향 2015. 4. 21.

날고싶은 커피향

디자이너가 알아야 할 3D 프린팅과 모델링 관련 자료입니다. 

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1. www.makersi.com

2. 디자이너가 알아야 할 3D 프린팅과 모델링 Adjunct Professor of Department of Industrial Design, Korea Polytechnic II Prof. Choi, Sung-Kwon 디자이너를 위한 3D 프린팅과 모델링 / 주최 : 메이커스 2015. 4. 11.

3. Contents I. 3D Printing & AM Overview 1. 3D Printing Issue Makers 3. The Ten Principles of 3D Printing 2. Potential Economic Impact by 2025 II. Design Applications Using 3D Printing Technology III. Conclusion 6. 3D Printing & Paradigm change 8. Preparation and challenges facing the AM Industry - References - IT Accessory Design 7. Direction of policy > Korea 2. AM Supply Chain & Benefits - etc. 4. Proportion of Google searches for three main players 5. 3D Hubs’ Full Map of Global 3D Printer Distribution 6. 3D Printing in Gartner hype cycle 7. What is 3D Printing? 8. What is Additive Manufacturing? 9. The Ten Principles of 3D Printing 10.Low Cost 3D Printer Technology Trend 11.3D Printer Technology Trend 12.Timeline of 3D Machine Development 13.AM Process Comparison 14.Materials & AM Systems - Lighting Design - Ceramic Design - Furniture Design - Fashion Design - IoT(Internet of Things) 1. 3D Printing & Design Market 5. AM(Additive Manufacturing) Service Bureau 3. Crowd Funding 4. On-line Platform Business

4. Alvin Toffler Chris Anderson Barack Hussein ObamaThe EconomistTerry T. Wohlers “3D Printing is next revolution in manufacturing” “3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the way we Make almost everything” >Source : www.economist.com > The third industrial revolution > A 14-PAGE SPECIAL REPORT. The Economist April 21st 2012 3D Printing Issue Makers

5. Potential Economic Impact by 2025 >Source : McKinsey Global Institute analysis. 2013. Toys, accessories, jewelry, footwear, ceramics, and simple apparel > high customization value for consumers.

6. 3D Printing in Gartner hype cycle >Source : www.gartner.com > McGowan’s rendition of the Gartner Hype Cycle, with additive manufacturing gliding along the “Slope of Enlightenment, As of July 2031. >Each Hype Cycle drills down into the five key phases of a technology’s life cycle. Roll over the phases in the graphic above for more information.

7. CAD 3D Modeling 3D Printing Prototype 3D Printing > Layer by Layer * ASTM(American Society for Testing and Materials) International F42 committee * RP: Rapid Prototyping > AM: Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing * 출처: 산업디자이너를 위한 신속조형기술 RP활용가이드. 최성권 지음. 혜지원. 2010. P42. What is 3D Printing?

8. RP: Rapid Prototyping AM: Additive Manufacturing Subtractive Manufacturing 3D Printing RT: Rapid Tooling RM: Rapid Manufacturing SM RP AM Formative Subtractive Additive 3D Printing * ASTM(American Society for Testing and Materials) International F42 committee * RP: Rapid Prototyping > AM: Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing What is Additive Manufacturing?

9. The Ten Principles of 3D Printing Manufacturing complexity is free 10PRINCIPLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Variety is free No assembly required Zero lead time Unlimited design space Zero skill manufacturing Compact, portable manufacturing Less waste by-product Infinite shades of materials Precise physical replication 복잡한 물건을 제작하는 일도 자유롭다. 다양한 물건을 만든다고 비용이 더 들어가지 않는다. 조립할 필요가 없다. 생산 소요 시간이 없다. 디자인의 영역이 제한되지 않는다. 기술이 없는 사람도 생산활동을 할 수 있다. 소형의, 휴대가 가능한 생산 방식이다. 낭비되는 부산물이 적다. 소재에 무한한 음영을 줄 수 있다. 정확한 물리적 복제가 가능하다.

10. http://www.3ders.org/pricecompare/3dprinters FFF : Fused Filament Fabrication SLA / SL Entry Level 3D Printer ABS PLA RESIN Low Cost 3D Printer Technology Trend

11. Robot type Conveyor TypeBox type Professional Level 3D Printer Hardware Type

12. Timeline of 3D Machine Development * Source : 3D PRINTING FOR ARTISTS, DESIGNERS AND MAKERS. STEPHEN HOSKINS. BLOOMSBURY. 2013. P.42

13. AM Process Comparison “3D Printing = AM(Additive Manufacturing)”

14. Liquid-based systems Materials & AM Systems SLA Source: www.3dprintingindustry.com

15. Liquid-based systems Materials & AM Systems DLP Source: www.3dprintingindustry.com

16. Liquid-based systems Materials & AM Systems POLYJET Source: www.3dprintingindustry.com Source: www.stratasys.com

17. Materials & AM Systems FDM Solid-based systems Source: www.3dprintingindustry.com

18. Powder-based systems Materials & AM Systems SLS Source: www.3dprintingindustry.com

19. Powder-based systems Materials & AM Systems 3DP Source: www.3dprintingindustry.com Source: www.3dsystems.com

20. Powder-based systems Materials & AM Systems EBM Source: www.3dprintingindustry.com

21. Lamination-based systems Materials & AM Systems SDL Source: www.3dprintingindustry.com

22. Liquid-based systemsPowder-based systems Solid-based systems Materials & AM Systems SLA : Stereo Lithography Apparatus DLP : Digital Light Processing FDM : Fused Deposition Modeling FFF : Fused Deposition Modeling SLS : Selective Laser Sintering 3DP : 3D Dimensional Printing PolyJet : Photopolymer Jetting Technology 1 2 3

23. Plastic Metal Ceramic composite Paper Meat Rubber Wax Wood Cement Polymer Sand Sugar Chocolate Human tissue ABS,PLA, Epoxy, PC, Nylon, PEEK, PC, Etc. Salt Stainless Steel, Bronze, Titanium Ti64, 18K Gold, Silver Food Bio Ink Silicon Printable Materials

24. IT Accessory Design Macedonia Case for iPhone 5C by Freshfiber New York City Case for iPhone 4(S) Source: www.3ders.org / http://curve.ie / curve-creative Headbuddy > Sports band for Apple Headphones. 2013. The spectrum of 3D printing applications Source: www.3ders.org The Gramohorn is a 3D printed acoustic speaker, designed exclusively for the HTC One smartphone. 2013. http://cubify.com/

25. Lighting Design Cross table light / Design by Karim Rashid FOC(Freedom of Creation) FOC(Freedom of Creation) BLOOM-MGX, Patrick Jouin, materialise, 2010.

26. * http://www.3ders.org/articles/20131205-3d-systems-buys-3d-printed-ceramics-provider-figulo.html * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9ST1XP3KJY * http://www.figulo.com/tableware.html * * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0YP128RHxc Tableware KitchenTiles Production Equipment : Inkjet 3D Printing / Materials : Alumina silica glazed Ceramic Design Cups * https://www.digitalforming.com/Blog

27. Endless Pulse Low Chair Endless Pulse Low Chair Dining Chair Furniture Design Coffee Table > www.dirkvanderkooij.nl Solid-C2-3D Printed Chair

28. Furniture Design Joris Laarman Lab, Maker chairs.

29. Furniture Design ACADIA 2015 CONFERENCE / OBJET500 Connex3 Printer USC School of Architecture Synthesis Design & Stratasys create multi-material and multi-color 3D printed rocking chair http://www.3ders.org/articles/20150319-synthesis-design-stratasys-create-multi-material-and-multi-color- 3d-printed-rocking-chair.html

30. Instrument www.3dsystems.com odd-ladybug-3d-printed-keyboard odd-Hive_Bass_3d-printed >

31. Appliance & Electronics Haier unveils world's first 3D printed air conditioner, sold immediately on-site for $6400 2015 Appliance & Electronics World Expo world's first 3D printed air conditioner www.3ders.org

32. Food Products & Food Design 3D Systems > ChefJet Pro > Sugar Foodini 3D Food Printer Color Sugar Chocolate

33. Art Toys & Figures Art Toy. DUNKEYS. COOLRAIN STUDIO. 2011. MAKIELab>Alice Taylor > http://makie.me SylPhid NBA COLLECTOR SERIES1. COOLRAIN STUDIO. 2012.

34. http://www.thebitoy.com Taipei-based design studio Bito Inspiring 3D printed dolls of The Beatles to commemorate the famous Abbey Road 'procession' Art Toys & Figures

35. Art Toys & Figures Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince

36. Memorial Goods Design

37. Memorial Goods Design Get a 3D printed model of your fetus, http://www.3ders.org 3D Story, Korea

38. The Fine Arts & Sculpture AGRIEBORZ, 2009-2010 / SCULPTURE(SLS 3D PRINT) / 53X34X33cm NABEKIESAV, 2013-2014 / SCULPTURE(SLS 3D PRINT) / 58X29X52cm AYAMONSK, 2009-2010 / SCULPTURE(SLS 3D PRINT) / 36X42X33cm Nick Ervinck Michael Eden, ‘Wedgwouldn’t Tureen’ silver test Michael Eden, courtesy of Adrian Sassoon. http://www.nikipedia.be/

39. www.irisvanherpen.com / www.juliakoerner.com Material > TPU 92A-1 Strong & Flexible >2013. 3.14 Finishing > Color Dyed Black Courtesy to Iris van Herpen & Julia Koerner Voltage Show in Paris 2013 Fashion Design http://threeasfour.com/ss-2014/lookshttp://store.makerbot.com/flexible-filamentwww.continuumfashion.com>N12 Bikini

40. Fashion Design a unified approach to grown structures Neri-Oxman-Wanderers

41. Fashion Design http://www.urukia.com/kinematics-dress-nervous-system

42. 3D Printed Textiles >Source : http://www.freedomofcreation.com/page/34 X pattern Flex pattern Mobius pattern 3 in 1 pattern 4 in 1 pattern 5 in 1 pattern 8 pattern

43. Eyewear Design Highgate pq eyewear by Ron Arad https://mykita.com/mylon www.eyewearkit.com Designed by Ron Arad/Made in England

44. Running Shoe Design Nike Debuts 3D-Printed Vapor Laser Talon Cleat http://hypebeast.com/2013/2/nike-debuts-3d-printed-vapor-laser-talon-cleat http://hypebeast.com/2013/3/new-balance-launches-its-own-3d-printed-shoes World,s first bespoke football shoe > Prior 2 Lever(P2L) Design by Greg Lever and Janne Kyttanen

45. carbon fiber 3D-Printed-Myth Shoe by CONTINUUMFASHION Fashion Shoes Design

46. Nike 3D-printed Sports bag for Brazil (2014)

47. Fashion Accessory Design zigzag-shaela-threequarter-view www.sonjamaria.com Design by FOC(Freedom of creation) Korean Bridal crown Hairband by Kijin Shin, 3DCONNECTION, 2013.

48. Jewelry Design Ross-Lovegrove-3D-printed-gold-jewellery BLOOMING Earring & Necklace, 18K Gold Series, YEMYUNGJI, 2010.

49. Source: Dashwood House, Old Broad St. London Source: Macedonia Space Divider. FOC. Design by Janne Kyttanen 2007. Interior Design Source: 'Digital Grotesque‘, Michael hansmeryerBenjamin dilleburger/ www.michael-hansmeyer.com

50. Customization Design -Size/fit -Color -Material -Name/Text inserting http://www.bespokeinnovations.com/

51. Custom-fit 3D-Printed earphones. Earphones that don't fall out. Customization Design

52. Personalization Design Source: http://www.conceptlaser.comSource: envisiontec>Hearing Aid Source: Hearing aid shells printed in biocompatible material on an Asiga machine -Personal fit based on 3d scan -CMF : Color , Material, Finishing -Overall shape and design of the object -Name/Text inserting

53. Military Design Austin, TX (PRWEB) November 07, 2013 / 3D Printed Metal Gun made by Solid Concepts

54. www.scherfdesign.de 3-maticSTL Lightweight Structures Module http://materialise.com Lightweight Structure Design

55. Transportation Design Local Motors Announces 3D-printed Car Modification Competition

56. Up-cycling Design Upcycling and DIY projects

57. Waelice : interactive modular lamp from NoDesign / Nodesign’s Organic and Interactive 3D Printed Wall Lamps IoT(Internet of Things)

58. Categories: Tentative Grouping in 3D Printing Beyond traditional Manufacturing process Enhanced Design Custom Design Computational Design Integration of features Complex structure [fewer parts, fewer materials, less assembly etc.] “One off”, unique product Adapted a specific client’s needs / preferences Algorithm based design Input > output Parametric values Versatility Macedonia Tray. FOC. Hearing aid www.nervous.com Generative software 2008 Michael HansmeyerNike Debuts 3D-Printed Vapor Laser Talon Cleat

59. Tinkercad Skimlab Parametric Parts SketchUp Autodesk 123D Printcraft 3DTin http://www.tinkercad.com http://www.skimlab.com http://www.parametricparts.com http://www.sketchup.com/products/sketchup-make http://www.123dapp.com http://www.printcraft.org http://www.3dtin.com Google Chrome Easy 3D Design Apps

60. Easy 3D Design Apps Autodesk 123D / www.123dapp.com 123D Sculpt+ 123D Design 123D Catch 123D Make Meshmixer Tinkerplay

61. Long Tail Economy, Chris Anderson 3D Printing & Design Market

62. A traditional supply chain Products are mass produced (Made in China) Manufactured goods are ‘pushed out’ and distributed through warehouse network to customers Long lead time High transport costs Large carbon footprint Source: www.joneslanglasalle.eu A 3D Printing supply chain Customization production ‘Pulled’ by end customer demand Locally printed and distributed Short lead time Low transport costs Low carbon footprint AM Supply Chain & Benefits

63. ($) () 개 당 제 조 비 용 제품 개수 방법 2 3차원 프린터 방법 1 사출 성형 (금형 제작 비용 1만 달러 + 고무오리 1개당 20달러) (고무오리 1개를 추가생산할 때 드는 비용은 20달러로 동일) 다양성 복잡성 유연성 3D Printing Manufacturing Comparison

64. * http://3dprintbarometer.com Ping pong ball Tennis ball Football Space Hopper PART SIZE PART COMPLEXITY PROJECT VALUE SERIES SIZE PURPOSE~ ~ ~ The `marble’ model, check it out!

65. Product Design Grade Level-1 Level-3Level-2 SLS FDM,FFF SLA,DLP,3DP WAX, SANDNylon & Metal ABS, PLA, CARBON

66. 제조의 민주화 Production Democratization 자금 조달의 민주화 Funds Procurement Democratization 유통/판매의 민주화 Distribution/Sales Democratization Global Online Web Crowd Funding 3D Printing New Design Business Model Arduino Open Source Global Online App Crowd Funding Open Innovation Maker Movement

67. Additive Manufacturing Applications : DONA / Urban Donation Motivation Robot DONA: Urban Donation Motivating Robot

68. 3D Modeling & Inner structure assembling inspection DONA: Urban Donation Motivating Robot

69. Arduino interation programming /Software (RoboPlus Task, Manager and Motion v1.0.18.0) Testing Rapid Prototyping > SLA Parts Assembling Image Mapping(Character-oriented, Humanoid-like type) Form study with clay 1 2 4 3 DONA: Urban Donation Motivating Robot

70. Public Demonstration, Seoul Museum of Art, 2011. DONA: Urban Donation Motivating Robot




74. Additive Manufacturing Applications : Drop Light / Power LED Lighting MAKEITREAL / DOOLIGHT


76. MAKEITREAL / DOOLIGHT Drop Light : Prototypes (design mock-up), 2010~2013. Courtesy of DOOLIGHT.COM Drop Light : Prototypes (design mock-up), 2011

77. MAKEITREAL / DOOLIGHT Drop Light : Manufacturing goods, 2014. Drop Light Mini, design by doolight, 2013. Courtesy of DOOLIGHT.COM




81. On line Business Platform Source : www.digitalforming.com

82. Web-Based Generative Design Apps Source: http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com

83. Web-Based Generative Design Apps https://www.behance.net/gallery/23719687/DoubleMesh

84. Web-Based Generative Design Apps

85. https://digitalstore.makerbot.com/http://i.materialise.com/ http://www.shapeways.com/ http://www.thingiverse.com/ http://cubify.com/ On line Business Platform

86. MAKE THE IMAGINATION RAEL “상상하는 것을 현실로 만들 수 있음” >무금형(無金型 ) 제품의 등장> No Assembly >3차원을 넘어선 디자인 제품의 등장 >CUSTOMIZATION, LIMITED, 유일 상품 등장 >프로슈머(Prosumer)의 증가와 경계성의 한계 >Desktop Factory / FAB at Home > 1인 생산 기업 등장 >상품의 형태가 Digital File의 형태로도 On-Line 유통 >Network 교역생산 > 전세계 장비 활용 >Cloud 컴퓨팅 기반 AM 상품 유통 마켓 활성화 >Low Volume Production>다품종 소량 생산적합 유통 제조 상품 NEW BUSINESS MODELS IN THE CREATIVE INDUSRIES >RP / 3D Printer 서비스 Bureau 성장 / 전문회사 등장 >기능위주>이야기, 감성 상품의 증가 >슈퍼 컴퓨팅 플랫폼 및 빅 데이터 마케팅 활성화 3D Printing & Paradigm change

87. Rapid Manufacturing, An industrial Revolution for the Digital Age Editors N. Hopkinson, R.J.M. Hague and P.M. Dickens / Loughborough University, UK, 2006. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Rapid Prototyping / Principles and Applications / Second Edition, Chua C.K., Leong K. F. and Lim C. S. 2004. World Scientific Wohlers Report 2006, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013 / State of the Industry / Annual Worldwide Progress Report / Terry Wohlers, 2009 / Terry T. Wohlers Wohlers Associates, Inc. 산업디자이너를 위한 신속조형기술 / RP 활용가이드, 최성권 지음, 도서출판 혜지원, 2010. Designers for Rapid Prototyping User Guide, Sung-Kwon Choi, Hyejiwon Press, 2010. 앨빈 토플러 > 부의 미래, 앨빈 토플러, 하이디 토플러 지음, 김중웅 옮김, 청림출판, 2006. Revolutionary Wealth References The New World of 3D Printing / 2013 /Hod Lipson, Melba Kurman, 2013. The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More, Chris Anderson, New York, NY: Hyperion Press, 2008. 메이커스(MAKERS), 크리스 앤더슨, RHK알에이치코리아, 2013. 궁금한 점 : 최성권 SungKwon, Choi / 010-4471-9413 / www. rapiddesign@naver.com

88. Q & A 감사합니다. Thanks you! 궁금한 점 : 최성권 / 010-4471-9413 / www. rapiddesign@naver.com ?

89. www.makersN.com 문의 : info@makersi.com
