반응형 A Beginner's guide to understanding Autoencoder1 A Beginner's guide to understanding Autoencoder A Beginner's guide to understanding Autoencoder A Beginner's guide to understanding Autoencoder from Lee Seungeun A Beginner's guide to understanding Autoencoder1. A Beginners’ guide to understanding Autoencoder 2017.03.06 이승은 https://blog.keras.io/building-autoencoders-in-keras.html2. 2 Autoencoder를 한 문장으로 표현하면? Input’ = Decoder(Encoder(Input)) 즉, input을 압축한 후 재현하는 거. 그래서 label이 필요 없으니, Neural .. 2018. 11. 14. 이전 1 다음 반응형