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Time Management & Productivity - Best Practices

by 날고싶은커피향 2023. 10. 16.

  • 1. My Best Practices Time Management & Productivity By Vit Horky Brand Embassy Inc., February 2016
  • 2. Where did you come up with the best ideas in your life?
  • 3. Where do I come up with new ideas?
  • 4. Where do I come up with new ideas? Where do I get sh** done?
  • 5. Where do I come up with new ideas? Where do I get sh** done? Where do I have efficient meetings?
  • 6. Where do I come up with new ideas? Where do I get sh** done? Where do I have efficient meetings? Where do I plan and reflect best?
  • 7. Where do I come up with new ideas? Where do I get sh** done? Where do I have efficient meetings? Where do I plan and reflect best? When I walk
  • 8. Where do I come up with new ideas? Where do I get sh** done? Where do I have efficient meetings? Where do I plan and reflect best? When I walk In Starbucks
  • 9. Where do I come up with new ideas? Where do I get sh** done? Where do I have efficient meetings? Where do I plan and reflect best? When I walk In Starbucks In a meeting room
  • 10. Where do I come up with new ideas? Where do I get sh** done? Where do I have efficient meetings? Where do I plan and reflect best? When I walk In Starbucks In a meeting room When I walk
  • 11. Envision what are you going to do before you do it. Professional sport people envision that are they going to do including all distraction that may happen. Play video (3min): http://www.nytimes. com/video/sports/olympics/100000002720727/flying-high-while-still-on-the-ground.html
  • 12. At home: What I want to do today? On the way: How am I going to do it? In office: Just do it. Prepare what are you going to do before you turn on your laptop.
  • 13. When you get stuck Redirect > Reflect > Finish later
  • 14. Envision how your team / customer will be happy once you achieve your goal.
  • 15. What’s the point of a Vision? Problem: BEEs want to improve in time management. Idea: We are going to make a workshop. Goal: BEEs will feel great about being in better control of their time, they have more fun, they will appreciate our effort. W E A L L L O V E Y O U Envision how your team / customer will be happy once you achieve your goal.
  • 16. What’s the point of a Vision? Problem: BEEs want to improve in time management. Idea: We are going to make a workshop. Goal: BEEs will feel great about being in better control of their time, they have more fun, they will appreciate our effort. W E A L L L O V E Y O U What do you need to do to make them happy?
  • 17. Work in time blocks. BLOCK 1:20 hod / 50 min / 25 min BREAK 10 min / 5 min 1:20 hod - just for workshops, Typically 50min is more productive 50 min - suitable for most individual activities, when you need to produce something. 25 min - suitable for most individual meetings or statuses
  • 18. Have time for reflection after max 3 blocks how do you feel about the progress? re-read notes think about how it went plan how to improve next time
  • 19. Have time for reflection after max 3 blocks how do you feel about the progress? re-read notes think about how it went plan how to improve next time Example of my day schedule
  • 20. Reward yourself accordingly Each new customer 12 customers in 6 months $450k in New Won revenues by 6/2016
  • 21. Effective meeting habits Planning Owner assigned Appropriate time block created Goal shared
  • 22. Effective meeting habits Planning Owner assigned Appropriate time block created Goal shared On Meeting Goal repeated and agreed Meeting notes created Goal vs. Result Next steps Owners updated
  • 23. Effective meeting habits Planning Owner assigned Appropriate time block created Goal shared On Meeting Goal repeated and agreed Meeting notes created Goal vs. Result Next steps Owners updated After Meeting Reflection Re-read and update meeting notes Think about results and next Steps as well how to improve the process next time
  • 24. Meetings, BLOCKS for individual activities Cca 80% of my work time arranged. Use the right tools for the right activities Scheduling Daily todos (resolved in BLOCKS) Cca 3-10 resolved daily. Every project contains all tasks needed for project success. Simple tasks related to specific leads/prospects/customers.
  • 25. Ideas, conception drafts, notes on fly Some moved to Google Drive/Hubspot once finished Cca 50-70 notes a month Use the right tools for the right activities Note taking Documents/decks/spreadsheets shared with others I create new document only once conception is made in Evernote and I'm happy about it.
  • 26. Any internal communication, no internal emails Turning off notifications during meetings, blocks Responding cca 10x a day in cca 10min blocks Use the right tools for the right activities Written Comms Checking Primary emails cca 5x day in 10min blocks, responding right away Checking other emails 1x day
  • 27. Use the right tools for the right activities Voice Comms Scheduled calls with customers, internal group calls. Using webcam, screen sharing 3-5x calls a day Typically just for 1-3min quick internal consultations Avoiding non-scheduled calls 1-2x calls a day
  • 28. Prioritize: Apply easy 5-step prioritization process
  • 29. Prioritize: 1. What are the tasks someone else is waiting for?
  • 30. Prioritize: 2. What will help me to get closer to achieve my current goals?
  • 31. Prioritize: 3. What simple urgent tasks I can resolve immediately?
  • 32. Prioritize: 4. What tasks will I enjoy working on?
  • 33. Prioritize: 5. What tasks will help me to learn in the area I am interested in?
  • 34. Delegate: What are the tasks someone else will do better?
  • 35. Learning: 1. How do you learn most? Books Audiobooks (Video) Lectures Coaching
  • 36. Learning: 2. Where do I learn most? At home At a coffeeshop In a library
  • 37. Learning: 3. What do I want to learn? To achieve my work goals To feel better every day To fulfill my dreams
  • 38. Reflect the day before you go to sleep What have you done you have positive feeling about? And negative feeling? What are you going to change tomorrow?
  • 39. Additional productivity hacks ★ Avoid useless content - TV only on demand ★ No daily news, use peer curation on Facebook/TW/Li, Subscribe to inspirational people that share trusted opinions/news ★ Magazine/book audio editions ★ Be militant about time for your own. Regular sleep, sports, friends, ...
  • 40. Exercise: Do you split your work time based on your goals? 1. Goal: Structure your work time accordingly to your work and career goals 2. Individual exercise: Each person defines max 7 categories of their work time and attribute ideal time spend on them 3. Measure your work time for one week and present comparison Ideal vs. Reality. I need more time on coaching and be more efficient in planning.
  • 41. Don't forget: Making the right things and having fun is more important than doing things right.
  • 42. Thank you. Vit