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Developing SEO audits that maximize growth #dmssconference

by 날고싶은커피향 2018. 11. 19.
Developing SEO audits that maximize growth #dmssconference

Developing SEO audits that maximize growth #dmssconference

1. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti#seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Developing SEO audits that maximize growth

2. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Raise your hand if you have experienced any of the following scenarios… #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

3. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti “I spent weeks doing an initial in- depth SEO audit but the client never implemented the recommendations” #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

4. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti “The client spent 3 months implementing the less important changes of the SEO audit and we won’t be able to see results soon” #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

5. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti “The client implemented the specified changes based on the SEO audit but in the wrong pages” #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

6. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti “The implementation has been on hold for months because it was not clear they needed content support for it when the SEO audit was delivered” #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

7. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti “The client developer fixed the identified issue right away as specified in the SEO audit but then said it wasn’t there in the first place” #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

8. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti “The issue was initially eliminated as recommended in the SEO audit but it was again included in one of the later releases” #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

9. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti “The issue had been documented and recommended to fix in the audit, but never executed until the traffic started to decline” #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

10. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti These SEO challenges start when you develop the initial SEO audit… #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

11. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti … and it’s your own responsibility to avoid them #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

12. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti * SEO Consultant & Founder at Orainti * SEO Speaker at +100 Events in +20 countries * Author “SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.” * Blogger in Search Engine Land & Search Engine Journal * Featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post * European Search Personality of the Year in 2018 I’m Aleyda Solis

13. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti I help great brands to do SEO

14. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Today I’m going to share with you how to avoid these SEO challenges #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

15. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti strategical prioritized actionable continuous By developing SEO audits that maximize growth

16. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti Strategical #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

17. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Links POPULARITY Content RELEVANCE Technical Configuration CRAWLABILITY & INDEXABILITY Your Site Don’t start your SEO audit by only identifying your own site optimization status

18. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti You need to understand how the top players are already ranking and the existing SERP opportunities along your own status, to put your SEO actions into context to be competitive

19. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Your Site Technical Configuration CRAWLABILITY & INDEXABILITY Links POPULARITY
 Content RELEVANCE Current Organic Search Performance Your Competition Identify your site status within the context
 to make your SEO audit strategical Audience Search Behavior and SERP characteristics with highest potential

20. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Technical Configuration CRAWLABILITY & INDEXABILITY Your Site Content RELEVANCE Links POPULARITY Current Organic Search Performance Start with your current organic search performance, that will be your starting point

21. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @oraintiUSE THE GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE Which are your already best ranked queries with the highest search volume and clicks?

22. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @oraintiUSE THE GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE Compare your mobile vs. desktop metrics to identify where are the biggest opportunities and current preferences

23. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @oraintiUSE THE DATA STUDIO REPORT FOR GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE: http://bit.ly/gscdatastudio What’s your site top content per device? Identify for which queries they perform best & worst

24. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti Check the queries, pages & areas with recent increases as well as decreases in rankings USE SEMRUSH, AHREFS, SISTRIX

25. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti For which queries is your site shown in SERPs w/ features? In which are they included? USE SEMRUSH, AHREFS, SISTRIX

26. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @oraintiUSE SISTRIX Check the top categories getting more and better 
 rankings for your site from each device results

27. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @oraintiUSE GOOGLE ANALYTICS Map these with your current top converting 
 site pages & categories per device & country

28. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti Now you know which are your current most valuable pages, areas & queries to prioritize Queries Pages Areas

29. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Your Competition Your Site Technical Configuration CRAWLABILITY & INDEXABILITY Links POPULARITY
 Content RELEVANCE Take into consideration your competitors ranking status to prioritize those areas with gaps

30. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @oraintiUSE SEMRUSH, AHREFS, SISTRIX Verify which are your main competitors for the desired target market

31. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @oraintiUSE SEMRUSH, AHREFS, SISTRIX What’s your organic search visibility vs. them in Mobile & Desktop?

32. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Which queries are driving more and better organic visibility to your competitors vs. your own site? USE SEMRUSH, AHREFS, SISTRIX

33. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Which are your competitors top pages? 
 Are they transactional or informational? USE SEMRUSH, AHREFS, SISTRIX

34. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti For which search features are your competitors included that you still haven’t? USE SEMRUSH, AHREFS, SISTRIX

35. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti No Rankings vs. Competitors Too Granular Existing Pages Little Existing Competition You’ll now identify the gap vs. the competition and identify more areas to prioritize in the audit

36. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Technical Configuration CRAWLABILITY & INDEXABILITY Your Site Content RELEVANCE Links POPULARITY Audience Search Behavior and SERP characteristics with highest potential Identify your audience search behavior and SERP characteristics to prioritize those with highest potential

37. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti Establish the query patterns of your audience search behavior using existing terms

38. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @oraintiUSE SEMRUSH, KWFINDER, AHREFS Generate ideas of potential new queries for each category and area, to identify additional targets

39. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @oraintiUSE SEMRUSH, KWFINDER, AHREFS Assess their search volume, intent and potential SERP features to target

40. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti Taking into consideration theirseasonality as well as competition level USE SEMRUSH, KWFINDER, AHREFS

41. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti Prioritizing those for which you already have content and have the highest growth potential SEOMONITORUSE SEOMONITOR

42. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti You’ll have now those areas with highest potential besides the ones you’re already targeting SEOMONITORUSE SEOMONITORUSE SEOMONITOR

43. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Your Site Technical Configuration CRAWLABILITY & INDEXABILITY Links POPULARITY Content RELEVANCE Your Competition Current Organic Search Performance Audience Search Behavior & Industry Potential Current Organic Search Performance Your Competition Audience Search Behavior and SERP characteristics with highest potential All this will provide context to focus the audit to the areas more likely to drive growth faster

44. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti Prioritized #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

45. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Links POPULARITY Content RELEVANCE 
 Technical Configuration CRAWLABILITY & INDEXABILITY Your Site Now you can analyze your site technical, content optimization and link popularity status https://www.searchenginejournal.com/the-ultimate-seo-audit-checklist/196993/

46. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Your Site Links POPULARITY 
 Content RELEVANCE Technical Configuration CRAWLABILITY & INDEXABILITY Prioritizing those areas already identified w/ an existing gap, more potential & opportunity

47. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Analyzing those specific pages in parallel 
 (faster as they’re fewer) to identify quick wins Screaming Frog, Deepcrawl, Ryte, Botify, OnCrawl

48. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Connecting the optimization status with the identified areas and opportunities to target Screaming Frog, Deepcrawl, Ryte, Botify, OnCrawl

49. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @oraintiScreaming Frog, Deepcrawl, Ryte, Botify, OnCrawl Verify if they should self-canonicalize instead if targeting high potential queries and possibility to optimize contentUnblock the new URLs to be crawled & indexed 301-redirect 4xx errors to new working URL destinations High Update links & 301-redirect to HTTPS version of the URLs High Medium High They are meant to be ranked so should be indexable and differentiated with specifically relevantcontent Medium Update links to go to final URL destination instead of 301s Low Prioritizing the different actions based on how easy to do and critical towards growth they are

50. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti From a technical, content as well as link popularity perspective CognitiveSEO, Ahrefs, Majestic

51. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Taking into consideration the role that each aspect plays in the site rankings vs. the existing competition CognitiveSEO, Ahrefs, Majestic

52. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Your Site Content RELEVANCE Links POPULARITY High Medium Technical Configuration CRAWLABILITY & INDEXABILITY Low As well as the overall site status, 
 prioritizing those that matter the most

53. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti Actionable #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

54. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Prioritized SEO recommendations w/ steps to follow should be provided as a result of the audit bit.ly/recostemplate

55. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Each recommendation should describe the concept, importance, identified issue and recommended actions for each scenario, highlighting if there are critical areas to prioritize bit.ly/recostemplate

56. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti They should document each SEO issue scenario with screenshots, showing how to fix them with examples Should 301 Redirect Links to Should link instead to

57. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti While attaching a list with all the relevant instances found of each issue to fix Full URL HTTP Status CodeInlink URL Inlink URL Status https://www.buyma.hk/contents/adidas-3d-bags/ 404 https://www.buyma.hk/contents/new_in/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/contents/adidas-3d-bags/ 404 https://www.buyma.hk/contents/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/contents/jewelry/aw/bracelets/ 404 https://www.buyma.hk/contents/jewelry/aw/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/brands/velentino/ 404 https://www.buyma.hk/contents/shoes/aw/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/brands/velentino/ 404 https://www.buyma.hk/contents/chanel/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/brands/women/shoes/sneakers/slip-on/ 404 https://www.buyma.hk/contents/luxury-sneakers/women/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/brands/bags/ 404 https://www.buyma.hk/newsletter/luxury-outerwear-20170903/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/brand/stussy/ 404 https://www.buyma.hk/newsletter/street-brands-20170814/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/brand/stussy/ 404 https://www.buyma.hk/newsletter/puma-bts-sneakers-20170821/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/brand/stussy/ 404 https://www.buyma.hk/newsletter/anti-social-social-club-20170807/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/brands/chi-chi-london/brands/ 404 https://www.buyma.hk/newsletter/party-dress-outfit-20170122/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/newsletter/spring-dresses-20170210/h/items/find/women/clothing/dresses/?colors=pink&tags=383404 https://www.buyma.hk/newsletter/spring-dresses-20170210/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/newsletter/spring-dresses-20170210/h/items/find/women/clothing/dresses/?colors=pink&tags=168404 https://www.buyma.hk/newsletter/spring-dresses-20170210/ follow https://www.buyma.hk/newsletter/spring-dresses-20170210/h/items/find/women/clothing/dresses/?colors=blue&tags=158404 https://www.buyma.hk/newsletter/spring-dresses-20170210/ follow

58. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti The recommendations should be summarized in a prioritized index to make them easier to find & share Recommendations Level of Importance Current Optimization Level Content Support Technical Support Promotion Support Implementation Priority Document Page No. Crawling, indexing and internal linking High Low No Yes No 3 31 Canonicalization High Low No Yes No 2 44 Robots.txt configuration High Medium No Yes No 11 52 XML Sitemap configuration High Medium No Yes No 10 57 Structured Data Usage Medium Medium No Yes No 9 61 Pages Speed Medium Low No Yes No 8 66 Mobile Web Configuration Medium Medium No Yes No 12 70 International Web Configuration High Medium Yes Yes No 1 75 Main Content Optimization High Low Yes Yes No 4 81 Title Tags Optimization High Low  Yes Yes No 5 100 Meta Descriptions Optimization Medium Low Yes Yes No 6 107 Headings Optimization Medium High  Yes Yes No 7 111 Link Popularity High High Yes No Yes 13 115

59. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Which can be also used to coordinate their execution specifying each action and highlighting priority areas Recommendations Importance Status Area Priority Resource Person Date Start canonicalizing and index color facets High Low Listings & product pages 1 Development Maria 1/9/2018 Deduplicate & Optimize Titles High Medium Blog category pages 2 Content Matt 2/9/2018 Add more content to listings w/ less than 5 products byfeaturing related ones Medium Medium 2nd level sub- categories 3 Development & Content Matt & Maria 3/9/2018

60. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Recommendations Importance Status Area Priority Resource Person Date Start canonicalizing and index color facets High Low Listings & product pages 1 Development Maria 1/9/2018 Deduplicate & Optimize Titles High Medium Blog category pages 2 Content Matt 2/9/2018 Add more content to listings w/ less than 5 products byfeaturing related ones Medium Medium 2nd level sub- categories 3 Development & Content Matt & Maria 3/9/2018 Defining the teams in charge, as well as the resources and timings assigned to each action what why where who when

61. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Recommendations Importance Status Area Priority Resource Person Date Start canonicalizing and index color facets High Low Listings & product pages 1 Development Maria 1/9/2018 Add more content to listings w/ less than 5 products byfeaturing related ones Medium Medium 2nd level sub- categories 2 Development & Content Matt & Maria 2/9/2018 Deduplicate & Optimize Titles High Medium Blog category pages 3 Content Matt 3/9/2018 Helping to reprioritize them if necessary, avoiding bottlenecks & do what matter most what why where who when

62. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Recommendations Importance Status Area Priority Resource Person Date Start canonicalizing and index color facets High Low Listings & product pages 1 Development Maria 1/9/2018 Add more content to listings w/ less than 5 products byfeaturing related ones Medium Medium 2nd level sub- categories 2 Development & Content Matt & Maria 2/9/2018 Deduplicate & Optimize Titles High Medium Blog category pages 3 Content Matt 3/9/2018 Facilitating the actionability of the audit as well as the coordination & resource management How many highly important with low optimization status have been reprioritized? Which teams have been correctly advancing and which have had delays?

63. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Which can be also shared and combined with any project management system you already use

64. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti Continuous #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti

65. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Even if the identified SEO issues are fixed, schedule frequent crawls to verify their status DEEPCRAWL, RYTE, BOTIFY

66. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @oraintiContentKing, Little Warden You can also set real time SEO configuration monitoring systems to check your priority pages

67. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @oraintiContentKing, Little Warden Which will alert you when something is changed

68. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti By sending also notifications via emails ContentKing, Little WardenContentKing, Little Warden

69. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Which you should also set not only for technical and content changes, but also link related ones AHREFS

70. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti That should be also correlated w/ rank tracking changes that now also help to identify problems SEOMONITOR

71. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Integrate these alerts with your project management system to facilitate their follow-up ZAPIER

72. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Remember that SEO is a continuous, incremental/ iterative process and auditing should be too PRE-RELEASE VALIDATION: OK?IMPLEMENTATION YES NO YES ON-GOING VALIDATION RELEASE NO FIX POST- RELEASE VALIDATION: OK? YES NO FIXFIX ON-GOING VALIDATION: OK?

73. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti By doing all this you’ll target your SEO auditing process to maximize and accelerate growth strategical prioritized actionable continuous

74. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti Like this

75. #seoauditsgrowth at #dmss by @aleyda from @orainti NOW IT’S YOUR TIME!It’s time to grow your SEO audits! #seoauditsgrowth at #dmssconference by @aleyda from @orainti
