반응형 날고싶은 커피향1818 Healthcare and Social Media Healthcare and Social Media Healthcare and Social Media from Western Union Healthcare and Social Media1. Healthcare and Social Media An Overview of how leading healthcare brands are using social media April 11, 2011 Karen O’Brien, Managing Director Jim Lightsey, Managing Director Alysse Esmail, Analyst2. Introduction Social media is here to stay and the role that social media can play in healthc.. 2018. 10. 11. Social Media In Healthcare: Coming of Age Social Media In Healthcare: Coming of Age Social Media In Healthcare: Coming of Age from Lee Aase Social Media In Healthcare: Coming of Age1. Social Media in Healthcare: Coming of Age Lee Aase (@LeeAase) Mayo Clinic Social Media Network Ontario Hospital Association • #SMHC2015 December 7, 20152. Glad to Be Back in Toronto • Presented in person to OHA Dec. 8, 2011 • Presented subsequently via Sky.. 2018. 10. 11. The Industrialist's Dilemma Class with Anne Wojcicki of 23andMe The Industrialist's Dilemma Class with Anne Wojcicki of 23andMe The Industrialist's Dilemma Class with Anne Wojcicki of 23andMe from Stanford Graduate School of Business The opportunity to remake healthcare in the United States starts with consumers owning their personal health data, believes 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki. During her visit to The Industrialist's Dilemma class on January 28, 2016, An.. 2018. 10. 11. Guided Reading: Making the Most of It Guided Reading: Making the Most of It Guided Reading: Making the Most of It from Jennifer Jones Guided Reading: Making the Most of Itmaking the most of ©2016,Jen Jones@hellojenjones #ncra16 “Someone please tweet that!” ©2016,Jen Jones©2016,Jen Jones©2016,Jen Jonesbit.ly/10bestpracticesforK#helloliteracytravels©2016,Jen Jonesbit.ly/ ©2016,Jen JonesBrowsing Boxes ©2016,Jen Jones©2016,Jen JonesStud.. 2018. 10. 10. Beyond the Gig Economy: How New Technologies Are Reshaping the Future of Work Beyond the Gig Economy: How New Technologies Are Reshaping the Future of Work Beyond the Gig Economy: How New Technologies Are Reshaping the Future of Work from Thumbtack, Inc. Beyond the Gig Economy: How New Technologies Are Reshaping the Future of WorkBeyond the Gig Economy How New Technologies Are Reshaping the Future of Work | 2016 By Jon Lieber, Chief Economist, Thumbtack & Lucas Puente, Ec.. 2018. 10. 10. 10 facts about jobs in the future 10 facts about jobs in the future 10 facts about jobs in the future from Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project The future of work 10 facts about jobs in the future Lee Rainie - @lrainie Director Internet and Technology Research at PRC IMF- World Bank Youth Dialogue on the future of work Oct. 10, 2017October 10, 2017 1) The nature of jobs is changing as the knowledge economy rise.. 2018. 10. 10. Wearable Tech - Trends for 2016 Wearable Tech - Trends for 2016 Wearable Tech - Trends for 2016 from Scott Eggertsen 1. THE STATE OF WEARABLES Scott Eggertsen2. WHY ARE YOU WEARING THAT? • It’s a complicated market. • How can we learn from previous failures? • How can marketers capitalise?3. • In 2019, 245 million wearable devices will be sold (CCS) • The term fails to explain the complexity of the market WHAT’S THE LATEST?4. .. 2018. 10. 1. Get to Know GoPro in Just 9 Slides Get to Know GoPro in Just 9 Slides Get to Know GoPro in Just 9 Slides from The Motley Fool 1. GET TO KNOW GOPRO IN JUST 9 SLIDES2. GoPro is most famous for its line of HERO action cameras, but the company also develops other hardware and software for recording, editing, and sharing videos. The company also distributes user- generated content through its GoPro Entertainment segment and licenses v.. 2018. 10. 1. Automated vehicles and transport systems Automated vehicles and transport systems Automated vehicles and transport systems de Institute of Customer Experience 1. Automated Vehicles and the Future of Urban Transport February 29, 20162. A little parable about transportation At first, people used to get around on foot and by public transport. The commute was slow and dreary, it took about an hour to get to work and an hour to get back. As.. 2018. 9. 27. Financial Statement Analysis and Financial Models Financial Statement Analysis and Financial Models Financial Statement Analysis and Financial Models de Maksudul Huq Chowdhury 1. Financial Statement Analysis and Financial Models Presented by Maksudul Huq Kanan2. Financial Statement Analysis Financial statement analysis is a process of selecting, evaluating, and interpreting financial data, along with other pertinent information, in order to for.. 2018. 9. 27. 이전 1 ··· 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 ··· 182 다음 반응형